30 entries.
Anita Anita from Vancouver wrote on April 1, 2023 at 4:52 pm
I wanted to ask about the word ᐊᓂᒑᐳᐧᐁᐦ, whenever my family back east talk, they never say "Anichaapuuweh" they only say "Chaapuuweh" and they spell it "Jabweh" on facebook. Is ᒑᐳᐧᐁᐦ an acceptable spelling by itself? What does the ᐊᓂ mean? We are Southern Inland, if that helps. Thank you so much, this dictionary has been such an amazing ressource to me and my sons.
Katherine Morrow Katherine Morrow from Montreal wrote on November 12, 2021 at 1:48 pm
Thank you to all the contributors over the years, and congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of Eastcree.org.
Jacques Leroux Jacques Leroux from Montréal wrote on June 18, 2020 at 8:38 am
Je donne depuis trois ans un cours intitulé « Introduction aux langues autochtones » dans le cadre du programme en études autochtones de l’Université de Montréal. Ce cours est en fait entièrement consacré aux langues algonquiennes et j'utilise beaucoup le site EastCree.org pour présenter les éléments de grammaire qui y sont exposés. Je profite de l’occasion pour vous dire à quel point je trouve ce site d’une clarté exemplaire.
Adrian Flinn Adrian Flinn from abbotsford wrote on December 14, 2019 at 6:16 pm
I love the dictionary so much! It's helped me a lot, especially with the words that have audio clips with them. I was searching for the word "Rain" like the weather. I found the verb chimuun, but not the noun. In other dialects I know rain is kimowan. When I looked up snow it had the noun kuun and the verb mispun, so I was wondering what the noun for Rain was! Thank you so much again.
Admin Reply by: Marie-Odile Junker
You are thinking from an English perspective where most words are nouns. In Cree, most words are verbs and most things are expressed as processes rather than fixed things. So while you can create a noun out of the verb chimuun (ECS) or chimuwin (ECN) 'it rains', this is not really the way to speak in Cree. Unfortunately, the contact with English is pressuring languages like Cree to create more and more nouns or to use verb forms as nouns.
Marie-Andrée DB Marie-Andrée DB wrote on August 7, 2017 at 2:11 pm
Hi! I can't find where I can order the cree conversation cd? Can you help me with that? Thank you!
Admin Reply by: admin
You can download the app or use the online version at https://www.eastcree.org/cree/en/resources/conversations/
Cholette Cholette wrote on July 18, 2014 at 4:58 pm
Good day, I have been working for the CSB since October 2009. I would very much like to learn some basics of the Northern Dialect. Why is it that I can only hear once when I click on the sound icon. When I come back on it, it does not respond.
Nathalie Nathalie from Victoriaville wrote on March 21, 2014 at 5:37 pm
Washiya! I really enjoy all the beautiful content of this site! Thank you very much for sharing. Meegwetch
rose terrance oakes rose terrance oakes from Akwesasne mohawk wrote on November 30, 2011 at 6:35 am
I was really happy to come across your site. It brought memories back to when I was a young girl I visited Misstasani (sorry for the spelling) with awoman named Marcia McCorkle, she was a minaster. A girl named Emily Neeposh came back to our rez, at that time they called it Hogansburg. Along with Alan Cooper and his wife.George neeposh and afew others.I was told Emily married a Cooper?Its been years...I was 14 yrs old she was around 15 or 16. It would sure be nice to talk to her.
Andrea D. Gilpin Andrea D. Gilpin from Ottawa wrote on August 22, 2011 at 3:28 pm
Hello, While doing some genealogical research, I came across this wonderful site. I was delighted to find recordings of my late grandmother, Charlotte Visitor. Now, I am attempting to translate them. This site has assisted me considerably, with this task, since I have not spoken Cree, in years. It is all coming back, and one day, I hope to be fluent. Thanks -ᐋᓐᑦᕇᔮ ᑖᐦᓐ Note: Please make the dictionary download available for Macintosh.
Julie B Julie B wrote on April 3, 2011 at 12:50 am
Bravo! à votre équipe et au peuple cri qui valorise la langue maternelle et qui permet un apprentissage interactif pour ceux et celles qui veulent se réapprprier un aspect cette richesse patrimoniale via le web. Je suis innue de la Côte-Nord. Continuez votre beau travail! C'est un bel investissement de votre part.
Sammy Sammy wrote on August 25, 2010 at 2:05 pm
When will we see terms related to administration, leadership, and/or government, such as accountability, programs, services, policies, procedures, resources, Vision, long-term objectives, goals, priority, fair, effective, responsible, etc...? A Government Resource Book perhaps?
Gail Shashaweskum Gail Shashaweskum from CREE wrote on January 30, 2010 at 7:36 am
Hi.... I recently started teaching and I find this site pretty useful with your resources. I have used this as one of my daily teaching resources. However, I do want to make a suggestion to you that I thought about the other day as I was making my Animal Unit worksheets.. considering the need for images or coloring pages that represent our way of life....It would be very useful for myself, along with other CLIP teachers if the site had tradional Cree clipart and coloring images. It is quite time consuming when we have to do it all manually. I am pretty sure the CLIP teachers would really use them for their benefit also. Please put this suggestion into consideration. Thanks for this site.
Karine Masson Karine Masson wrote on December 15, 2009 at 5:00 am
Bonjour, je suis de descendance Cri (ma mère était Cri), j'habite la Gaspésie. Il manquait à ma vie de pouvoir parler ma langue maternelle (ma mère avait été adoptée bébé, alors elle ne la connaissait pas non plus). Je suis heureuse d'avoir accès aux merveilleux outils que vous avez mis en ligne gratuitement ! Mille mercis ! Quand je retournerai vous voir à la Baie James, je serai peut-être en mesure de mieux communiquer avec les gens extraordinaires qui composent ce territoire. Merci !
CharlesMills CharlesMills wrote on September 27, 2009 at 2:26 am
Let,s standardize our Cree spelling system and try to unite when it comes to creating new words for our dictionary from dialect to dialect. This will unite the Plains Cree and the East Cree etc. Thank you.
nicolepetiquay nicolepetiquay wrote on September 17, 2009 at 3:51 pm
kwei, je suis par hasard arriver sur votre site! alors, félicitations! je suis de wemotaci et je travaille moi aussi dans le domaine de la langue atikamekw! matcaci,
rousseau jean-pierre rousseau jean-pierre wrote on September 14, 2009 at 3:42 am
Marie Okimawininew Marie Okimawininew wrote on September 13, 2009 at 3:44 pm
Bonjour, je suis, juste, très heureuse de découvrir ce site. Je suis, Crie de Fort Albay, On./Attawapiscat/Moosonee. Je ne parle pas ma langue maternelle car, je fûs adoptée mais, peut-être que votre site m,aidera. Merci et au plaisir. O.M.
BETTE-lOU BERGERON BETTE-lOU BERGERON wrote on August 26, 2009 at 4:17 am
Marc Garreau CA904948 Marc Garreau CA904948 wrote on July 15, 2009 at 10:04 pm
Excellent site. I,m trying to learn cree, and this site will give me plenty to chew on for a while. Hopefully someday I will be able to speak it. God bless!"
Luke MacLeod Luke MacLeod wrote on May 20, 2009 at 3:23 pm
Enjoyed Johnny's story...granfathers pipe