ᐃ or ᔨ at the end of words
Some words end with ᐃ and others with ᔨ. For instance, the words about liquids end with ᐹᐃ.
Nouns ending with ᐃ
ᐅᒣᐃ |
ᐴᑕᐃ |
ᐅᐦᐱᒋᑲᐃ |
ᒦᔓᐃ |
ᐊᓇᑯᐃ |
ᐊᐳᐃ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑕᐃ |
ᐅᔅᐱᑲᐃ |
ᐊᐱᔓᐃ |
ᐅᔅᒉᐸᐦᑯᐃ |
ᒎᒎᔑᓈᐳᐃ |
ᓰᐹᐃ |
ᐅᒉᔥᑎᑕᐃ |
ᐅᔑᑲᐃ |
ᐅᔖᔔᐃ |
ᐅᔥᑯᐃ |
ᐧᐄᑑᓈᐳᐃ |
ᒌᐸᐃ |
ᐅᒧᑕᐃ |
ᐅᒋᒑᔅᑲᐃ |
ᐅᓱᐃ |
ᐅᑯᐦᑕᔥᑯᐃ |
ᐅᓯᑲᓈᐳᐃ |
ᑰᐦᑰᔓᔑᑲᐃ |
ᐊᑯᐦᑯᐃ |
ᐧᐄᑑᓈᐳᐃ |
ᐅᐦᑑᑲᐃ |
ᐊᒥᔅᑯᐦᑐᐃ |
ᐧᐄᐦᑯᐃ |
ᐧᐄᑕᑲᐃ |
ᐅᑎᐦᑯᐃ |
Particles ending with ᐃ
Nouns ending with ᔨ or ᔩ
Particles ending with ᔨ
The words below are more irregular than words which end in a small symbol, as the ending changes in unpredictable ways when a suffix is added. Some words drop the ᐃ and others do not when a diminutive, locative or possessive suffix is added. Pay attention to the endings, as they are very irregular. If the previous ᐸ, ᑕ, ᑲ is short (no dot), then change it to ᐹ, ᑖ, ᑳ. Sometimes the final ᑯᐃ changes to ᐧᑳ.
Diminutive |
Locative |
Possessive |
ᐴᑕᐃ |
ᐴᑖᔥ |
ᐴᑖᐦᒡ |
ᓂᐴᑖᒻ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑕᐃ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑖᔥ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑖᐦᒡ |
ᓅᔥᑲᑖᒻ |
ᒌᐸᐃ |
ᒌᐸᐃᔥ |
ᒌᐸᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᒌᐸᐃᒻ |
ᓰᐹᐃ |
ᓰᐹᐃᔥ |
ᓰᐹᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᓰᐹᐃᒻ |
ᐅᔑᑲᐃ |
ᐅᔑᑳᔥ |
ᐅᔑᑳᐦᒡ |
ᐅᔑᑳᒻ |
ᐅᔅᐱᑲᐃ |
ᐅᔅᐱᑳᔥ |
ᐅᔅᐱᑳᐦᒡ |
ᐅᔅᐱᑳᒻ |
ᐅᒋᒑᔅᑲᐃ |
ᐅᒋᒑᔅᑳᔥ |
ᐅᒋᒑᔅᑳᐦᒡ |
ᐅᒋᒑᔅᑳᒻ |
ᒋᐦᑑᑲᐃ |
ᒋᐦᑑᑳᔥ |
ᒋᐦᑑᑳᐦᒡ |
ᒋᐦᑑᑳᒻ |
ᐧᐊᑕᐃ |
ᐧᐊᑖᔥ |
ᐧᐊᑖᐦᒡ |
ᓂᐧᐊᑖᒻ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑕᐃ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑖᔥ |
ᐅᔥᑲᑖᐦᒡ |
ᓅᔥᑲᑖᒻ |
ᒣᐃ |
ᒣᐃᔥ |
ᒣᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᒣᐃ |
ᐧᐄᐦᑯᐃ |
ᐧᐄᐦᐧᑳᔥ |
ᐧᐄᐦᐧᑳᐦᒡ |
ᓂᐧᐄᐦᐧᑳᒻ, ᐧᐄᐦᑯᐄᐦᒡ |
ᒦᔓᐃ |
ᒦᔓᐃᔥ |
ᒦᔓᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᒦᔓᐃᒻ |
ᐊᐱᔓᐃ |
ᐊᐱᔔᔥ, ᐊᐱᔓᐃᔥ |
ᐊᐱᔓᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᑕᐱᔓᐃ |
ᐅᔖᔓᐃ |
ᐅᔖᔓᐃᔥ |
ᐅᔖᔓᐃᐦᒡ |
(not said) |
ᐅᓱᐃ |
ᐅᓲᔥ, ᐅᓱᐃᔥ |
ᐅᓲᐦᒡ |
ᓅᓲᒻ |
ᐊᓇᑯᐃ |
ᐊᓇᐧᑳᔥ |
ᐊᓇᐧᑳᐦᒡ |
ᓂᓇᑯᐃ |
ᐅᔥᑯᐃ |
ᐅᔥᐧᑳᔥ |
ᐅᔥᐧᑳᐦᒡ, ᐅᔥᑯᐄᐦᒡ |
ᓅᔥᐧᑳᒻ |
ᐊᑯᐦᑯᐃ |
ᐊᑯᐦᑯᐃᔥ |
ᐊᑯᐦᑯᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᑕᑯᐦᑯᐃᒻ |
ᐊᐳᐃ |
ᐊᐳᐃᔥ |
ᐊᐳᐃᐦᒡ |
ᓂᑕᐳᐃ |
ᒎᒎᔑᓈᐳᐃ |
ᒎᒎᔑᓈᐴᔥ, ᒎᒎᔑᓈᐳᐃᔥ |
ᒎᒎᔑᓈᐴᐦᒡ |
ᓂᒎᒎᔑᓈᐴᒻ |
ᐅᑌᐦᐄ |
ᐅᑌᐦᐄᔥ |
ᐅᑌᐦᐄᐦᒡ |
ᓅᑌᐦᐄᒻ |
See also: Spelling East Cree – Northern Dialect – ᐃ, ᐄ and ᔨ