
Derived Verbs (Secondary)

Verbs of Creation (“to make…”)

ᐊᓵᒻ + ᐃᐦᒉᐤ     ᐊᓵᒥᐦᒉᐤ
asaam + ihcheu = asaamihcheu
snowshoe + to make     s/he makes snowshoes

The verb ᐊᓵᒥᐦᒉᐤ asaamihcheu s/he makes snowshoes is made from the noun ᐊᓵᒻ asaam snowshoe and the verb final ᐃᐦᒉᐤ -ihcheu to make. Many verbs of creation can be made like that, by adding the verb final -ihcheu to a noun. This makes a verb which means “to make a ….”. Certain nouns drop the final -u before the ending is added.


 Noun Verb
  ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓐ   ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓂᐦᒉᐤ
masinahiikan masinahiikanihcheu
  book   s/he makes a book
  ᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᑉ   ᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᐱᐦᒉᐤ
miichiwaahp miichiwaahpihcheu
  teepee   s/he makes a teepee
  ᐋᐃᐦᑯᓈᐤ   ᐋᐃᐦᑯᓈᐦᒉᐤ
aaihkunaau aaihkunaahcheu
  bannock   s/he makes bannock

These verbs can be turned into new nouns by dropping the final -u and adding the suffix -suu. The new noun means “the person who makes… ” and is used to refer to a profession or an habitual activity. This is a very productive process (see Nouns ending in -suu).


ᐋᐃᐦᑯᓈᐦᒉᓲ aaihkunaahchesuu the bannock maker