
Derived Verbs (Primary)

Initial + Medial + Final

ᐅᑖᒥ + ᔅᑯ + ᔑᓐ     ᐅᑖᒥᔅᑯᔑᓐ
utaami + sku + shin = utaamiskushin
hit against + ice + horizontal     s/he slips on the ice

The verb ᐅᑖᒥᔅᑯᔑᓐ utaamiskushin s/he slips on the ice is made from the initial ᐅᑖᒥ utaami hit against, a medial ᔅᑯ sku ice and the verb final ᔑᓐ shin horizontal. We can say that this verb has a stem made of three elements: an initial, a medial and a final. Here are examples of (primary) verb stems made of three elements:

Initial+Medial+Final= Verb
ᐅᑖᒥ   ᐦᑕᒋ   ᔑᓐ     ᐅᑖᒥᐦᑕᒋᔑᓐ
utaami + htachi + shin = utaamihtachishin
hit against   floor   horizontal     s/he falls on the floor
ᐅᑖᒥ   ᐯᒋ   ᔑᓐ     ᐅᑖᒥᐦᐯᒋᔑᓐ
utaami + pechi + shin = utaamipechishin
hit against   water   horizontal     s/he slips and falls in the water