
Compound Verbs

Preform + Verb or Verb Final

ᒥᔪ ᓈᑯᓲ ᒥᔪᓈᑯᓲ
miyu + naakusuu = miyunaakusuu
good looks like s/he looks nice

The verb ᒥᔪᓈᑯᓲ miyunaakusuu s/he looks nice is made from the preform ᒥᔪ miyu good and the VAI verb final ᓈᑯᓲ naakusuu looks like. The resulting verb is a VAI verb. A preform can also combine with a full verb.

Examples of verbs made with preforms: (See also Nouns made with preforms)

Preform + Final = Verb
ᒥᔪ ᐦᑖᑯᓲ ᒥᔪᐦᑖᑯᓲ
miyu + htaakusuu = miyuhtaakusuu
good looks like s/he sounds nice (VAI)
ᒥᔪ ᐦᑖᑯᓐ ᒥᔪᐦᑖᑯᓐ
miyu + htaakun = miyuhtaakun
good sound it sounds nice (VII)
ᒥᔪ ᒫᑯᓲ ᒥᔪᒫᑯᓲ
miyu + maakusuu = miyumaakusuu
good smell s/he smells nice (VAI)
ᒥᔪ ᒫᑯᓐ ᒥᔪᒫᑯᓐ
miyu + maakun = miyumaakun
good smell it smells nice (VII)
Preform + Verb = Verb
ᒪᒋ ᐋᔨᒨᒣᐤ ᒪᒑᔨᒨᒣᐤ
machi + aayimuumeu = machaayimuumeu
bad s/he talks of him s/he is bad mouthing him
ᒥᔪ ᐋᐸᑎᓰᐤ ᒥᐧᔮᐸᑎᓰᐤ
miyu + aapatisiiu = miywaapatisiiu
good s/he works s/he works well