
Independent Indicative Neutral (#01)

ᒋᓂᐹᓐ᙮ chinipaan. ‘You sleep.’
ᒋᑲ ᓂᐹᓐ᙮ chika nipaan. ‘You will sleep.’
ᒋᒌ ᓂᐹᓐ᙮ chichii nipaan. ‘You were asleep.’

The form ᒋᓂᐹᓐ᙮ chinipaan. You sleep. belongs to the Independent Indicative Neutral verb paradigm (#01). It is used alone to express the present of an action. It is also combined with preverbs like chika or chii to express the future or the past.

More on preverbs.

Link to Conjugation Tables