Compound Verbs
Preform + Verb
ᒥᔪ |
ᒌᔑᑳᐤ |
ᒥᔪᒌᔑᑳᐤ |
miyu |
+ |
chiishikaau |
= |
miyuchiishikaau |
good |
it is day |
it is a nice day |
A new verb can be derived by adding a preform / preverb) in front of it. When the resulting word has a meaning of its own and becomes a common word, it is usually spelled as one word. See Spelling Manual.
See also: Preverb + Verb Final.
APA: |
Junker, M.-O., & MacKenzie, M. (2013). East Cree Word Formation (Northern Dialect). In The Interactive East Cree Reference Grammar. Retrieved from [URL] |
MLA: |
Marie-Odile Junker and Marguerite MacKenzie. East Cree Word Formation (Northern Dialect). In The Interactive East Cree Reference Grammar. 2013. Web. [date] |
[URL] = website address, beginning with “http://” [Date] = the date you accessed the page, styled as follows: 13 Dec. 2015