
Derived Verbs (Primary)

Initial + Medial + Final

Verb Initial + Verb Medial + Verb Final = Verb
ᐅᑖᒥ ᔑᑯ ᔑᓐ ᐅᑖᒥᔑᑯᔑᓐ
utaami + shiku + shin = utaamishikushin
hit against ice horizontal s/he slips on the ice

The verb ᐅᑖᒥᔑᑯᔑᓐ utaamishikushin s/he slips on the ice is made from the initial ᐅᑖᒥ utaami hit against, a medial ᔑᑯ shiku ice and the verb final ᔑᓐ shin horizontal.

Verb Initial + Verb Medial + Verb Final = Verb
ᐅᑖᒥ ᐦᑎᒋ ᔑᓐ ᐅᑖᒥᐦᑎᒋᔑᓐ
utaami + htichi + shin = utaamihtichishin
hit against floor horizontal s/he falls on the floor
ᐅᑖᒥ ᐹᒋ ᔑᓐ ᐅᑖᒥᐹᒋᔑᓐ
utaami + paachi + shin = utaamipaachishin
hit against water horizontal s/he slips and falls in the water
ᒌᔑᑳ ᐋᔥᑖᐤ ᒌᔑᑳᔥᑖᐤ
chiishikaa + aashtaau = chiishikaashtaau
day light it is moonlight