Spelling East Cree (Southern) – Syllabic Finals
Large syllabic symbols that sound like finals
There are some sounds for which no final exists. In this case a large syllabic without a dot has been used, but is not fully pronounced, much like the final ᒄ.
- ᓃᔓ
- ᓂᔥᑐ
- ᓂᔮᔪ
In a few numbers a final ‘u’ sound may be heard, but there has been a decision not to write it. The ‘u’ sound can be clearly heard when a suffix is added to the number:
ᒥᑖᐦᑦ | ᒥᑖᐦᐧᑖᐤ |
ᐯᔭᑯᔖᑉ | ᐯᔭᑯᔖᐧᐹᐤ |
ᓃᔓᔖᑉ | ᓃᔓᔖᐧᐹᐤ |
ᓂᔥᑐᔖᑉ | ᓂᔥᑐᔖᐧᐹᐤ |
ᓀᐅᔖᑉ | ᓀᐅᔖᐧᐹᐤ |
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Dialect Differences
- ᒋᐦᑲᔥᑖᑲᓐᐦ The Use of Dots
- Syllabic Finals
- ᐃ, ᐄ and ᔨ
- Syllabic symbols not to forget to write
- Adding endings to nouns and verbs
- Boundaries
- New spellings as of summer 2015
- Punctuation
- Writing Names
- Standard Roman Orthography (SRO)